It's been tough to put into words how I feel about the current events of 2020. Thinking too hard. So I’ll make it as plain as possible. People are mobilizing all over social media and in the streets in efforts to advocate for the civil rights of all shades of black people. Although descending from and highly influenced by Caribbean culture, I am considered black. The origin of your ancestors becomes irrelevant once you step outside of your supposedly safe parameters that is your home. Especially in the United States of America. If your skin has even a hint of brown, a semblance of a tan, you are not safe, no matter what country you live in. The odds of trouble finding you are immensely higher if you are any shade of black. Grammar and technicality does not apply here.
The fact that technology has advanced to the point of replacing hard working people with AI, yet our customs, our laws, educational, financial, and Medical institutions (the list goes on) have not evolved to the point of serving EVERYONE EQUALLY baffles me. @arenlodge
The fact that technology has advanced to the point of replacing hard working people with AI, yet our customs, our laws, educational, financial, and Medical institutions (the list goes on) have not evolved to the point of serving EVERYONE EQUALLY baffles me. It baffles me that we even have a thing called “privilege” existing on this planet. As if everyone is not entitled to Earths resources. As if everyone is not entitled to be treated justly. It baffles me that so many have to conform and censor to earn a living. It baffles me that we have to create segregated platforms (digital and offline) because of the lack of EQUAL representation in literally every industry of the developed world. When people say all lives matter... I have to think. IF ALL LIVES MATTER, THEN WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING FOR? WHY DO CERTAIN GROUPS OF PEOPLE, BLACK PEOPLE IN PARTICULAR NEED ADVOCATES? IT’S VERY PLAIN TO SEE THAT ALL LIVES HAVE NOT MATTERED. NOT FOR OVER A CENTURY.
Majority of the world agrees (even corporations scrambling to increase diversity quotas to avoid bankruptcy from the loss of the black dollar) that we need a change. A permanent change. Not an evolution. We all grieve, process, and react to injustices differently. That’s no excuse to not acknowledge the problems we are STILL facing on this planet. Even something as small as spreading awareness is doing your part. Regardless of the origin of your ancestors. AS LONG AS THERE IS NO REPRESENTATION AT THE TOP, THERE WILL BE NONE AT THE BOTTOM. This is not to spark a debate. This is to make a statement. Take it as it is.